Sunday, March 23, 2008

Today's Happy Moment

On my way into the grocery store this morning there was a guy asking for signatures on a couple petitions. Usually I ignore people and keep on walking, but today I stopped and agreed to sign - maybe because I've been paying closer attention to the news and politics recently and feeling more socially conscious, maybe it was because the guy was good-looking and around my age... who can say why people do things? Anyway, I signed both petitions and headed on into the store. On my way back out he was still there and I said, "You got me on the way in," before he could ask me to sign.

He said, "Oh I know - you're beautiful [looking me up and down, but not in an icky way]. Have a good day!"

That's all it takes to make me happy - that compliment stuck with me the rest of the day. It was just nice to be noticed, especially considering I was dressed in uncoordinated, laundry day clothes, had on no make-up except for a little powder, and my hair was in a messy bun.

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