I'm getting a new bed! I'm getting a new bed! A new bed has been on my (imaginary) to-do list for quite a while, but it never seems to be priority #1, so it just hasn't happened. Last year when I was moving my bosses saw the state of my mattress/box spring and suggested that they might help me out as a Christmas present, but that never came to pass (which is fine - that would be insanely generous of them). Anyway, I was talking to my dad earlier, and he mentioned he wanted to discuss Christmas presents. We tend to exchange fairly modest gifts in my family, and my parents just took us all to Disneyland a few weeks ago (footing the entire bill) so I expected to refer him to my Amazon wishlist which is mostly books and DVDs, and that would be that. Instead he asked if I'd ever gotten around to getting a new bed, and when I said no he said that he and my mom wanted to take care of that for me. So he instructed me to go out and charge it on my credit card, and just let him know what he owes me! EEEEEEEK! I was taken aback at what a generous offer that is, and he said they had just purchased an expensive vacuum for my sister, so they felt like they needed to do something equally as nice for me. I don't say it nearly enough, but my parents are awesome.
It really is necessary, because my current bed is in sad, sad shape. I've had it since June of 1998, when I moved into my first off campus apartment. They guys moving out gave/sold a bunch of furniture to ex-roomie S and I, and I took the bed. What I didn't notice at the time was that the bed was insanely squeaky and creaky. S sat on it once and said, "Please don't ever have sex when I'm home. Just tell me to leave." I think every subsequent roommate expressed the same sentiment. (Although it either doesn't creak as much as it used to, or I've just learned to ignore it.) I don't think I physically could sleep on it without a mattress pad anymore because of a spring or two that is poking through the fabric. My cats shredded the corners of the box spring back when they were allowed in my room. Still, I paid $70 almost ten years ago, so I've more than gotten my money's worth out of it.
I can't wait to go mattress shopping this weekend! This is excellent timing, because I've been fairly down for the last month or so, and a new distraction is more than welcome.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
What I Love About The Office
- Not every episode is a classic, and not every episode makes me laugh out loud (although many do), but The Office makes me happy in a way no other show does. There are moments that have left me smiling for days (typically Jim/Pam moments); the ones that spring to mind include the end of "Email Surveillance" when Jim joins Michael singing "Islands in the Stream" (which might be my favorite Jim moment ever), the Jim/Pam phone call at the end of "Initiation" (I hadn't seen the promo that showed that would happen, so my jaw dropped when she answered the phone and I don't think I moved for the duration), or the scene in "Fun Run" where Jim and Pam confirm their relationship.
- The singing scenes. I have loved every single time a character has burst into song - various character's doing karaoke, Andy singing in his high falsetto voice (too many examples to list), the bus singing from "Beach Games", the Dunder Mifflin ad jingle from the most recent episode, etc. I would include YouTube clips, but just the Andy moments make up a 5 minute video, and there are so many fabulous moments beyond just Andy.
- Even if I don't love an episode the first time I watch it I have no doubt that when I watch it again there will be background moments and nuances that I didn't see the first time.
- There's not one episode that I hate through and through. I think it's unlikely that I'll ever want to watch "Phyllis' Wedding" straight through again, but I liked the moments that didn't involve Michael.
- I like that the writers take chances with the plot, rather than coasting on a successful formula. I loved that they followed through on transferring Jim to Stamford last year, brought new characters back to Scranton with the merger (even if Andy is the only one left), and made Ryan the big boss this year.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Limitless paper in a paperless world
I keep meaning to post a blog about why I love The Office to the extent that I do, but I haven't gotten around to it. I feel the need to transcribe the Michael's voice over on the ad from last night's episode, just to see if it's as ridiculous as I think it is:
"It all starts with an idea. But you can never tell where an idea will end up. Because ideas spread, they change and grow. They connect us with the world. And in a fast moving world where good news moves at the speed of time and bad news isn't always what it seems. Because when push comes to shove we all deserve a second chance to score. Dunder Mifflin: Limitless paper in a paperless world."
Fucking brilliant. I can't tell if my favorite part is the end, or the good news moving at the speed of time.
"It all starts with an idea. But you can never tell where an idea will end up. Because ideas spread, they change and grow. They connect us with the world. And in a fast moving world where good news moves at the speed of time and bad news isn't always what it seems. Because when push comes to shove we all deserve a second chance to score. Dunder Mifflin: Limitless paper in a paperless world."
Fucking brilliant. I can't tell if my favorite part is the end, or the good news moving at the speed of time.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Where my head is...
Kelly Mountain road saw a heavy load
With a sagging heart and a break apart
Voices in me stood as thick as thieves
With no sympathy for the beggars art
I have passed these pines 'bout a million times effortlessly
Now I grip the wheel, fear is what I feel
At the slow unraveling of me
You tell me it's temporary, it's just a matter of time
By God don't you think I know it's in my mind
It's right over left and healing the then
I'll soon be to nothing but I don't know when
Well the they way I flee on my crooked feet
Barn happy horse on a one-track course
Then I self despise, cryin' out my eyes
'Cause the happy trail led me to remorse
But the road is long and the song is gone
I blow empty in my cicada shell
If I saw my choice I might find my voice
But I don't know when and I just can't tell
You tell me it's temporary, just a matter of time
By God don't you think I know it's in my mind
It's right over left and healing the then
I'll soon be to nothing but I don't know when
Deep behind my face is a safer place
But old gears are hitched tight to the gate
It's a daily grind waiting to unwind
Till I hear that click that unlocks my fate
So tell me it's temporary, it's just a matter of time
By God don't you think I know it's in my mind
It's right over left and healing the then
I'll soon be to nothing but I don't know when
I'll soon be to nothing but I don't know when
I'll soon be to nothing but I don't know when
-Emily Saliers "Soon Be To Nothing"
With a sagging heart and a break apart
Voices in me stood as thick as thieves
With no sympathy for the beggars art
I have passed these pines 'bout a million times effortlessly
Now I grip the wheel, fear is what I feel
At the slow unraveling of me
You tell me it's temporary, it's just a matter of time
By God don't you think I know it's in my mind
It's right over left and healing the then
I'll soon be to nothing but I don't know when
Well the they way I flee on my crooked feet
Barn happy horse on a one-track course
Then I self despise, cryin' out my eyes
'Cause the happy trail led me to remorse
But the road is long and the song is gone
I blow empty in my cicada shell
If I saw my choice I might find my voice
But I don't know when and I just can't tell
You tell me it's temporary, just a matter of time
By God don't you think I know it's in my mind
It's right over left and healing the then
I'll soon be to nothing but I don't know when
Deep behind my face is a safer place
But old gears are hitched tight to the gate
It's a daily grind waiting to unwind
Till I hear that click that unlocks my fate
So tell me it's temporary, it's just a matter of time
By God don't you think I know it's in my mind
It's right over left and healing the then
I'll soon be to nothing but I don't know when
I'll soon be to nothing but I don't know when
I'll soon be to nothing but I don't know when
-Emily Saliers "Soon Be To Nothing"
The road is long and the song is gone
States I've visited:

... I think. I paused for a long time at Nebraska and Kansas. I think it's possible we drove through a portion of one or the other (or both) leaving Texas in 1988, but I have no particular memory of either so I decided not to click on them. All of the others, even from the trip to Minnesota when I was 5, I remember some landmark or story, etc.
States I've visited as an adult (meaning I've excluded the states my dad drove us through on family vacations):

That's kind of sad, particularly when you consider that the trips to Hawaii, Florida, and Missouri were for work. Also, leaving Arizona on there is a *complete* cheat, and was unintentional. I justified it because when I drove to and from Las Vegas (twice) a few years back, technically I was in Arizona for maybe 5 minutes each way (basically you pass an entering Arizona sign, blink, and pass the entering Nevada sign). That block of states on the west coast in my adult trips were all road trips (all solo, unless I'm blocking something out) - aside from one trip to Texas when I was one year old I didn't fly until I was almost 26. I have fond and vivid memories of all of those trips, however, even the 14 hour day all by myself, or the night I slept in my clothes because the motel I was in freaked me out (not helped by having watched some of Psycho two nights earlier).
... I think. I paused for a long time at Nebraska and Kansas. I think it's possible we drove through a portion of one or the other (or both) leaving Texas in 1988, but I have no particular memory of either so I decided not to click on them. All of the others, even from the trip to Minnesota when I was 5, I remember some landmark or story, etc.
States I've visited as an adult (meaning I've excluded the states my dad drove us through on family vacations):
That's kind of sad, particularly when you consider that the trips to Hawaii, Florida, and Missouri were for work. Also, leaving Arizona on there is a *complete* cheat, and was unintentional. I justified it because when I drove to and from Las Vegas (twice) a few years back, technically I was in Arizona for maybe 5 minutes each way (basically you pass an entering Arizona sign, blink, and pass the entering Nevada sign). That block of states on the west coast in my adult trips were all road trips (all solo, unless I'm blocking something out) - aside from one trip to Texas when I was one year old I didn't fly until I was almost 26. I have fond and vivid memories of all of those trips, however, even the 14 hour day all by myself, or the night I slept in my clothes because the motel I was in freaked me out (not helped by having watched some of Psycho two nights earlier).
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I guess it's time to rejoin eHarmony...
I spent the weekend at Disneyland with my family, which was delightful. Rather, it was delightful once all of the airline trouble they dealt with Friday was over, and once my parents' bag was delivered to the hotel on Sunday. The best story of the weekend, though, didn't actually happen this weekend, but was an old story my sister told me. Apparently my almost 10 year old nephew came across the word celibacy in something he was reading and asked her to explain it. She did, saying that it's a choice some people make to not have sex, and that it's different from just not having a boyfriend or girlfriend, and referenced priests and nuns.
At which point my nephew asked, "Is Aunt Lindy a nun?"
That's not good.
Once I caught my breath from laughing, I wailed, "Nooooooo!"
But really, that's a pretty clear sign that I need to get back in the game.
At which point my nephew asked, "Is Aunt Lindy a nun?"
That's not good.
Once I caught my breath from laughing, I wailed, "Nooooooo!"
But really, that's a pretty clear sign that I need to get back in the game.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
DVR Slave
I'm slowly weeding out some of the new shows I was trying to watch, because I was at risk of trying to keep up with 14 shows (not including Days of our Lives every day). I'm quite the TV junkie, but that's a bit much even for me. I decided to drop Reaper, Big Shots (which I was only trying for Michael Vartan), and Moonlight (which I was mainly watching for Jason Dohring). I'll keep my eye out for news that any of these shows are improving (especially Reaper, because it was my favorite new show the first week of the season, but the second episode didn't hold my attention at all). I was determined to try a lot of new shows this year after spending a large chunk of my summer catching up on shows I'd heard were good from last year (Ugly Betty, Heroes, Friday Night Lights, etc.) I didn't have a DVR until a few weeks into the season last year, and I was in the process of moving when all the new shows were starting, so I tried very few (or I was so scattered while trying to pack that I couldn't focus on the ones I did try). I've overdone it a bit this year, though. Chuck and Pushing Daisies are still only maybes for me. What I'm most excited about, TV-wise, is watching the Friday Night Lights DVDs over and over before giving them back to T. I just know that I'll finally give in and buy my own copy right when the price goes up over $20.
Embarrassingly, I got totally hooked on I Wanna Be a Soap Star in the last few episodes (and watched the marathon Soapnet ran over the weekend). I'm not sure why I find it so hilarious, but I love the montages of the actors performing the scene - it just highlights how dumb soap operas are. I didn't bother voting for the final two, but I think I would prefer to see Jimena win over Ashley (Ashlee? Not sure how she spells it), just because Jimena acts in a more natural fashion. Ashley always seems to be so hard, and a little over the top. I have no idea what storyline either would fit into on Days but since I watch that anyway (kinda, out of the corner of my eye while The Lovebug naps) I might as well have some background on this new person.
Embarrassingly, I got totally hooked on I Wanna Be a Soap Star in the last few episodes (and watched the marathon Soapnet ran over the weekend). I'm not sure why I find it so hilarious, but I love the montages of the actors performing the scene - it just highlights how dumb soap operas are. I didn't bother voting for the final two, but I think I would prefer to see Jimena win over Ashley (Ashlee? Not sure how she spells it), just because Jimena acts in a more natural fashion. Ashley always seems to be so hard, and a little over the top. I have no idea what storyline either would fit into on Days but since I watch that anyway (kinda, out of the corner of my eye while The Lovebug naps) I might as well have some background on this new person.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Top 5 List
After taking my couch to the dump and going to breakfast, my friend T and I started revising our list of top 5 famous men we'd want to sleep with. Our taste in men has always been vastly different with almost no overlap, but we both had the same addition in mind:
Taylor Kitsch aka Tim Riggins on Friday Night Lights. We both had the same initial fear that he might be too young, and thus make us dirty old ladies, but it turns out he's only ~3 years younger, so we're in the clear.

Michael Vartan is one other man T and I agree on, although he's been bumped off of her list. I haven't seen him in much other than Alias, but I think it would take a lot to tarnish my lust. Hell, he's the reason I'm giving Big Shots a try (theoretically - episdode 2 is still sitting unwatched on my DVR).

John Krasinski. I love him so very much. I hope he starts making movies that look watchable (unlike License to Wed) so that I can admire him on the big screen. At least I can watch him every week on The Office (and constantly on my DVDs).
Ah, James Scott. At this point, he's the only reason I continue to watch Days of our Lives, even if it is out of the corner of my eye while fiddling on the computer. His character, EJ, has been horribly mishandled by the writers/powers-that-be, but he's still beautiful, charismatic, and British, so I still love him.

And finally, Jason Segel. Here, my love of the oddball shines through. He just seems so completely fearless about looking like a fool, going full out for the joke on Freaks and Geeks, Undeclared, and How I Met Your Mother. When I decided I needed to add Tim Riggins to my list I decided I needed to bump either Jason Segel or Hugh Grant, and it was a toughie. But Hugh Grant is a little over the hill these days, and my love for British men is represented by James Scott, so Jason Segel and his robot dancing won out.
What distresses me about this list is that, aside from Michael Vartan, these men are all slightly younger than I am. I have always, always, preferred men at least slightly older than me, both in my celebrity crushes and in the men I actually dated. So I find it unsettling to be lusting after these younger guys.

Michael Vartan is one other man T and I agree on, although he's been bumped off of her list. I haven't seen him in much other than Alias, but I think it would take a lot to tarnish my lust. Hell, he's the reason I'm giving Big Shots a try (theoretically - episdode 2 is still sitting unwatched on my DVR).
John Krasinski. I love him so very much. I hope he starts making movies that look watchable (unlike License to Wed) so that I can admire him on the big screen. At least I can watch him every week on The Office (and constantly on my DVDs).

And finally, Jason Segel. Here, my love of the oddball shines through. He just seems so completely fearless about looking like a fool, going full out for the joke on Freaks and Geeks, Undeclared, and How I Met Your Mother. When I decided I needed to add Tim Riggins to my list I decided I needed to bump either Jason Segel or Hugh Grant, and it was a toughie. But Hugh Grant is a little over the hill these days, and my love for British men is represented by James Scott, so Jason Segel and his robot dancing won out.
What distresses me about this list is that, aside from Michael Vartan, these men are all slightly younger than I am. I have always, always, preferred men at least slightly older than me, both in my celebrity crushes and in the men I actually dated. So I find it unsettling to be lusting after these younger guys.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Weekend Goals
1. Watch the last 3 episodes of the first season of Friday Night Lights, so I can watch the 2nd season premiere (if I get off work early today I might be able to do this and watch the premiere in real time).
2. Watch all the shows that are waiting for me on my DVR. I think the list is something like: Brothers & Sisters (it was one of my favorites last year, so I'm a little confused as to why I couldn't talk myself into watching Sunday's premiere yet), Chuck, Reaper, Ugly Betty, and by tonight Moonlight will be there too. Oh, and Big Shots. Go ahead and judge, I'm just watching it for the prettiness of Michael Vartan.

The fact that the couch hasn't actually been irritating me with its presence is a strong example of my ability to turn a blind eye to problems. I've been well aware that all I had to do was call my friend T and she would bring a truck over to help me haul it away, but I honestly didn't care that it was just sitting there, doing nothing but giving my cats a place to hide.
4. This wasn't originally one of my goals, but I've already accomplished it and I'm happy about it, so: Buy jeans a size smaller than I've been wearing (which means 2 sizes smaller than I was wearing before starting Weight Watchers about 6 weeks ago). Yay!
2. Watch all the shows that are waiting for me on my DVR. I think the list is something like: Brothers & Sisters (it was one of my favorites last year, so I'm a little confused as to why I couldn't talk myself into watching Sunday's premiere yet), Chuck, Reaper, Ugly Betty, and by tonight Moonlight will be there too. Oh, and Big Shots. Go ahead and judge, I'm just watching it for the prettiness of Michael Vartan.
The fact that the couch hasn't actually been irritating me with its presence is a strong example of my ability to turn a blind eye to problems. I've been well aware that all I had to do was call my friend T and she would bring a truck over to help me haul it away, but I honestly didn't care that it was just sitting there, doing nothing but giving my cats a place to hide.
4. This wasn't originally one of my goals, but I've already accomplished it and I'm happy about it, so: Buy jeans a size smaller than I've been wearing (which means 2 sizes smaller than I was wearing before starting Weight Watchers about 6 weeks ago). Yay!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I'm not quite sure how to start my first post, particularly because I'm not clear on *why* I'm starting a blog in the first place. The best I can come up with is that it would be nice to find a place to organize my thoughts and put them all in one place. I'm also in a "out with the old, in with the new" mindset these days, so I suppose this is another facet of that trend. So I'm not sure what this blog will end up being about ultimately, but I hope to enjoy myself along the way.
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